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Butter may be healthier than you believe

Writer's picture: 崇祺 曹崇祺 曹

In 2022, scientists published a plethora of diet and nutrition studies, revealing surprising links between what we eat and drink and our health.

It turns out that butter isn't as bad for you as we thought, that people who drink red wine have less stomach fat than those who consume liquor and that there are even more reasons to eat bread.

The following are seven things we discovered about eating and health in 2022.

1. Consuming a variety of proteins may lower the risk of high blood pressure.

According to a study published in the journal Hypertension in March, eating more high-protein foods like beans, seafood, whole grains, and lean meat may help lessen the risk of high blood pressure.

According to Insider's Gabby Landsverk, researchers correlated the eating habits of 12,117 Chinese adults to their blood pressure after a median of six years of follow-up.

People who ingested four or more protein sources had a 66% lower risk of developing high blood pressure than those who only consumed one or two.

2. Full-fat dairy and butter may be healthier than previously thought.

Butter has long been regarded to be unhealthy due to its high saturated fat content and tries to poor heart health, but new research published in Scientific Reports in August reveals that certain forms of saturated fat may be beneficial.

According to Stephanie Venn-Watson, a public health researcher and veterinary epidemiologist, moderate levels of saturated fat called C15:0, present in butter and full-fat dairy, may actually reduce the risk of disease and increase health and well-being.

Years of research on Navy dolphins revealed a resemblance between the animals and humans risk of age-related sickness, leading to the C15:0 discoveries, according to Landsverk.

3. Fiber from whole grain bread may be more effective than fruits and vegetables in lowering the risk of heart disease.

Fiber is an essential component of a healthy diet and can be found in a variety of foods.

According to Landsverk, a March study reveals that fiber in whole grains may be even more heart-healthy than fiber in fruits and vegetables.

According to a study on 4,125 individuals published in March in JAMA Network Open, fiber sources including dark bread, bran, and cereals (like oats) may help lower inflammation and heart disease risk.

4. A Mediterranean-style diet, particularly for Black women, may lessen the incidence of preeclampsia during pregnancy.

Preeclampsia is a significant pregnancy complication with long-term repercussions on heart health, characterized by extreme hypertension and organ damage.

According to studies published in the Journal of the American Heart Association in April, a Mediterranean-style diet may minimize the risks, particularly in Black individuals.

Fresh fruit and vegetables, olive oil, grains, fish, nuts, and beans are all prioritized in the Mediterranean diet.

5. Eating two servings of fish each week has been related to an elevated risk of skin cancer.

Fish has long been recognized to offer numerous health benefits, such as decreasing cholesterol and balancing blood sugar levels, but a study published in the journal Cancer Causes and Control in June discovered a link between consuming two servings of fish per week and an increased risk of skin cancer.

According to Landsverk, fish such as tuna can contain hazardous mercury, arsenic, and other substances associated to cancer.

However, it can still be part of a balanced diet, according to the researchers, and additional research is needed.

6. Red wine drinkers have less abdominal fat than those who use liquor or beer.

Red wine drinkers have less stomach fat than beer, white wine, or liquor drinkers, according to a February study published in the journal Obesity Science and Practice.

Red wine drinkers had less visceral fat, which wraps around the abdominal organs and is linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome, according to the study.

However, licensed nutritionist Rhiannon Lambert told Insider that the health hazards of drinking alcohol outweigh any potential benefits.

7. Vegetarian women are more prone than meat eaters to suffer from hip fractures.

According to a study published in BMC Medicine in August, vegetarian women are more prone than meat eaters to experience hip fractures as they age.

Researchers examined data from over 26,000 women aged 35 to 69 collected over a 22-year period and discovered that vegetarians were one-third more likely to break a hip than meat eaters.

According to the study, possible explanations include such women having a lower BMI on average or nutritional deficits.



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